Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well..You know, sometimes my life just isn't all that interesting. Does that ever happen to you? Suddenly you realize that you are actually quite a boring person? Anyway, what's going on here? The children are all sprawled over the floor waiting to watch Darby O'Gill and the Little People. I'm glad they want to watch that because I can go to sleep and not feel like I've missed anything. I usually fall asleep for movies.

Babykins turned one. Can you believe it? The audacity of him. Did he even ask me permission? And not only that, he's walking. Naughty baby. But we haven't had a party yet. I haven't had a party for I. either.

Fall is here and the weather has been so beautiful. It's supposed to start raining tonight. I love rain.

I can't even think of anything political.



Anonymous said...

Hi, Kerri,
I would probably NOT say that your life (or my life, for that matter!) is BORING, but that it is composed of being faithful in the little things, the often unnoticed things, over and over and over. Family life goes on so cheerfully while we are faithful, but it soon becomes evident when those things are not being done.

I used to be jealous of my husband because he always had something to SHOW for his work, such as a new house or a new piece of furniture. I on the other hand was very busy doing the same maintenance-type work over and over and over. I became much happier when I realized that this was my calling as wife and mommy. In these routine things I seek to glorify the Lord.

Hope you feel cheerier soon. :)

Mrs. Darling said...

well now that was interesting. I'll take any tidbit I can get. This rain makes me wnat a cup of java. Huh?