Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why have I not posted in so long? I don't know. I get out of the habit I guess. I wish I had a set time to sit down and post each day, but I don't. I have to catch the computer when I can, and hope there is something in my head to say. Sometimes I wonder why I keep the blog, but it really isn't because I have such a ton of profound stuff to say anyway, or because my life is all that interesting, but because it is nice if even occasionally I get to "get about" and touch base with all of you. :)

Lately I've been jumping about to a lot of "crafty mom" blogs. I admire women who don't just get the job done in being a housewife and mom but really make an art form of it. It's inspiring. I love to look at brightly colored fabrics and cute decorating ideas and such. Here are some of my favorites.. All Sorts (my daughters like this one too), Portabellopixie (a fabric designer to make me drool, drool, drool. Especially her new Farmer's Market line.), HELLOmynameisHeather, (More luscious fabric. Where do I rob a bank so I can get me yards and yards of this stuff?) Turkey Feathers, and Block-a-Day, because I love quilts. At least these are the blogs I've added to my favorites folder, but what I really like to do is go to one with a long list of links and scuttle all over the place and drool over the creative, beautiful things these women do and dream of being able to do them too. And I probably would if I didn't waste so bloody much time on the computer! I love all the needle arts, too. Embroidery, quilting, knitting, crochet. But usually when I get around to sitting down to doing something it is of a more practical turn of mind. Shay needs a good all around the house type denim skirt, I have a blouse cut out for Elisa of some fabric the neighbor lady gave me, bloomers are needed by all the girls-but Shayleen. She is past bloomer age now. Doesn't go down the slide at the park so much anymore... I do have a scrap quilt that I've been working on for Irene, but its been going for 2 years now. She always seems to need play jumpers more. I am knitting a sweater for Joseph. I have failed at everything I've knitted beyond scarves. I swore it off earlier this year. But I have been sick so much this last couple months I just wanted something I could sit and do with my hands and not feel like I was being idle. I hate to feel like I'm being idle. So I'm making him this sweater, and hoping I get done in time for it to fit him in the fall.
I guess if I don't it can be for the next baby. But I think I will get it done.
Also, completely on a different subject, I found this video via Large Family Mothering encouraging Germans to have more children. Interesting, huh?
Well, I better go tend to mine.


LynAC said...

I guess I need to look at the crafty moms' blogs. I need a project badly.

The kittens would love to come live with you if you moved here! I was saying I know of a place on 8 acres for 309k. And they likely have DSL....

Joyce said...

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, Kerri. When I'm not well, I read a comforting book. :) The sweater will be beautiful, though. Much nicer than a read book. Hope you feel better soon. :)

Mrs. Darling said...

So thats what I was keeping you from knitting today. LOL

Enjoyed the visit as usual. I dont do anything that even looks like sewing. I hate it. It just is so slow for me. I need things that keep me charged and going. Im sorta hyper that way! :)

Lana said...

I know what you mean about the surfing craft / inspiring blogs... I LOVE the all sorts webpage... If only dear hubby liked that style too... :-)