Saturday, March 8, 2008

Have you ever heard the Bob Dylan song "Everything is Broken"? It's the story of my life. Including my computer right now. So I'm at the library.



Joyce said...

I hope you win your battle with entropy soon. When the computer goes, that is BAD. :P

Brenda said...

Do we need to call in the A-team?? :)

MyKidsMom said...

Sorry to hear your computer is on the blinks- I was hoping to possibly find a political post SOMEWHERE; but alas, that is not to be the case.

I seem to run them all off when I post political, LoL. Could it be that is not a normal homeschooling mom type of thing to post? Oh well.

kerri @ gladoil said...

A team is coming tonight but I seriously doubt he'll be able to resuscitate it. The moniter won't come on, the hard drive is dying.. etc. *sigh*

Well, we'll enjoy his company for lasagne, anyway. :)

kerri @ gladoil said...

Oh, mykidsmom, definately the political posts get low responses. :) But try if your looking for info on something.

MyKidsMom said...

Thanks, I'll check that out.