Thursday, July 24, 2008


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!


Mrs. Darling said...

Howd you rate so high. Mine turned out Very Superior but the scorew as only an 88. Maybe it was because the seam in my hose is always crooked or maybe because my hiar isnt perfectly coiffed! tee hee

Amy said...

I got 101! They took that quiz on a forum I'm a member of and someone scored a -4. Another lady scored a 14 and was proud of that fact. Well she was proud that she was the one working and her husband was SAHD.

Joyce said...

Hi, Kerri,

That was fun! I scored 102, probably because I admitted to being a back seat driver (at times). I'm getting better. Maybe because I prefer wearing pajamas to a nightgown, too. :P

Marbel said...

It took me a while, but I finally did this, fun! Score 90. Well, I do walk around the house in stocking feet; who doesn't anymore? And am afraid I don't always comb my hair very well if I'm not being seen outside the family. Etc.